Java is a widely used, high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, now owned by Oracle Corporation. It was released in 1995 and has since become one of the most popular programming languages due to its platform independence, readability, and versatility.
Java is an object-oriented language, meaning it revolves around creating objects that interact with each other to build applications. One of its key features is its "write once, run anywhere" capability, enabled by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which allows Java code to be executed on any device or platform that has a compatible JVM installed.
Aarush IT offers comprehensive Java Online Training, catering to individuals seeking a deep understanding and mastery of Java programming. With a carefully crafted curriculum and expert instructors, the program covers Java fundamentals, advanced concepts, and practical application development. Students benefit from interactive sessions, hands-on projects, and personalized guidance, ensuring a robust grasp of Java's intricacies. Whether newcomers to coding or seasoned developers looking to expand their skills, Aarush IT's Java Online Training delivers a dynamic learning experience tailored to meet diverse skill levels and professional goals.
Java online training Course Content
Core Java
Introduction to java platform, javac, java, data types, source file, comments, setup
JAVA Flow Control
Conditional constructs
Different types of if condition
Looping constructs
break, continue
Switch statement
JAVA Object Oriented Programming
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Introduction to Classes and Objects
Instance & Static variables
Instance & Static methods
Static & Instance blocks
Package creation
Importing packages
Importing Class
Extending classes
Constructor calling chain
The “super” keyword
Method overriding
Method hiding
Final Class and Method
Abstract classes and Interfaces
Abstract methods
Abstract classes
Implementing interfaces
Abstract class vs. Interfaces
Inner classes
Non-static inner class
Static inner class
Local inner class
Anonymous inner class
Java Exception Handling
Introduction to exceptions
Effects of exception
Exception Handling framework
Exception class Hierarchy
Custom exception class
Memory Management
Different types of memory used in Java
Garbage Collection
Memory Leaks
Collections Framework
Introduction to collections
Core Collection Interfaces
List interface and its implementations
Set interface and its implementations
Queue interface and its implementations
Map interface and its implementations
Java I/O Stream
I/O Streams Introduction
Types of Streams
Stream class Hierarchy
Buffered Streams
Working File Streams
Introduction to serialization
Serialization process
Deserialization process
Java Threads
Introduction to threads
Thread states and priorities
Thread class
Runnable interface
Thread Group
Inter thread communication
Generics, Enums, AutoBoxing
Internationalization., Locale, Formatting text and dates
Introduction to logging
Understanding the design of JBDC API
Obtaining JDBC Drivers
Establish connection with DB Servers
Execute SQL Queries using Statement and Prepared Statement
Java EE encompasses various components and services to support different aspects of enterprise application development, such as web applications, distributed computing, messaging, persistence, and more. Some key components include Servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Java Persistence API (JPA), Java Message Service (JMS), Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS), and Java API for WebSocket (WebSocket API), among others.
The platform ensures portability, enabling applications to run on any Java EE-compliant application server. It emphasizes modularity, security, and scalability, making it well-suited for building large-scale, mission-critical systems across various industries..
J2EE Web application development
Introduction to web application development
Purpose of web application development
Various elements of web applications
Setting up Tomcat web server and Eclipse WTP
Developing dynamic web applications using Servlet’s
Overview of Servlet2.5 & 3 API’s
Handling a client’s request using Servlet
Configuring servlet’s using xml and annotations
Web Container
Servlet Life Cycle
Http Protocol
Http Request Format
Http Response Format
Coordinating servlets
Scope objects(Sharing data)
Servlet Filters
Filter basics
Creating a filter
Understanding the applications of filters
Servlet Listeners
Listener’s basics
Creating a listener & registering
Understanding the applications of listeners
Session Tracking
JSP (JavaServerPages)
JSP Elements
JSP Actions
Implicit objects
Expression Language (EL)
JSTL(JSP Standard Tag Library)
Core Tagss
Formatting tags
SQL tags
XML tags
JSTL Function
Creating Custom JSP Tag Libraries: The Basic
Java-based tags
Components of a tag library
Basic tags
Tags that use body content
Tags that optionally use body content
JSP-based tags (tag files)
Components of a tag library
Basic tags
Tags that use attributes
Tags that use body content
XML Processing API's
XML syntax and namespaces
Describing XML with schema
Java APIs for XML Parsing and Transformation
Java API for XML Binding(JAXB)
The need for Data Binding
Mapping schema types for Java
Java-to-xml mapping using annotation’s
Marshalling and Unmarshalling with JAXB
Working with JAXB Object models
Java Persistence API (JPA)
Entity class and O/R mappings
Persistent fields and properties
Entity relationship mappings
Inheritance mappings
Annotations and XML descriptors for defining mappings
Entity Operations
The EntityManager interface
Entity instance life cycle
Entity listeners and call-back methods
Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL)
Understanding Other Data binding Frameworks in Java
Java Hibernate Framework Course Content
Object Persistence
Object/Relational Paradigms
O/R Mismatch
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
Java ORM/Persistent Frameworks
Hibernate Architecture
Hibernate Architecture and API
Hibernate Installation/Setup
Configuration Properties
Mapping Files
Persistent Classes
Basic Mapping
Class to Table Mappings
Property Mapping
Natural Keys
Identifier Exposure
Quoting SQL Tables and Columns
Working with Persistent Objects
Entity Lifecycle
Transient State
Persistent State
Persistent Object Updates and Automatic Dirty Checking
Deattached State
Object Identifiers Revisited
Domain Model
Entities and Values
Bidirectional Many-to-one
Other Collections
Other Associations
Bidirectional One-to-one
Bidirectional Many-to-many
Value Type Collections
Collections of Value Types
Collections of Components
Sorting Collections
Inheritance Mapping Strategies
Table per concrete class
Table per subclass
Table per hierarchy
Inheritance Mapping Pros/Cons
Table per concrete class with unions
Choosing an Inheritance Strategy
Transitive Persistence
Lazy Loading
Eager Loading
What’s a Proxy?
Detached Objects and Proxies
Polymorphic Associations Revisited
Hibernate Object Fetching Options
Hibernate Query
HQL Parameters
Named Queries
Native SQL
Query By Example
Query Hints
Query Option Pros/Cons
Transactions and Concurrency
The Java Transaction
Table per concrete class
Table per subclass
Table per hierarchy
Inheritance Mapping Pros/Cons
Table per concrete class with unions
Choosing an Inheritance Strategy
Hibernate Caching Architecture
First Level Cache
Second Level Cache
Cache Concurrency
Configuring Second Level Cache
Java Spring Framework Course Content
Overview of Spring3 modules
The Core IOC Module
AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
Spring JDBC
Spring ORM(Object Relational Mapping)
Spring JEE (Java Enterprise Edition)
Spring MVC
Spring Security
Dependency Injection /Inversion of control
IOC Containers
Instantiating a container
Application Context
Using the container
Creating beans
Injecting dependencies
Auto wiring
Bean scope
Bean life cycle
Property Editors
Event Handling
Spring 3 Expression Language(SpEL)
The Spring Expression Language (SpEL for short) is a powerful expression language that supports querying and manipulating an object graph at runtime